My friend Michael Turner passed away Friday night (6/27/08) after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was 37 years young.
Michael was a world class comic book artist best known for his work on books like Witchblade and Fathom. He had created numerous covers for both DC and Marvel as well. He was a truly gifted artists, and extremely popular with fans around the world.
I worked with Michael at Top Cow when he was first getting started back in ‘95. We became good friends, and over the years I had the great fortune to share many memorable adventures with him. We took trips together, spent New Years together, and more. I always admired his dedication to being the best at his craft, and his constant positive outlook on life. Michael was truly a rare individual who radiated with life and a postive energy. Even during his 8 year battle with cancer, he never showed signs of suffering. He was always smiling, and never gave up… right to the very end.
I will forever remember Michael. He was a rare individual who made a strong impact on my life, and on many others.
I will miss you my friend. I would say “rest in peace” but I know resting was never your style. You are more likley to be riding some “cosmic wave” like the Silver Surfer right about now; free from years of pain, and spreading your positive spirit even further throughout the heavens.